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Athletes of the Month

Athletes of the Month

Hunter Schueller Coeur d’Alene High School

Photo By Cheryl Nichols Photography

Playing multiple sports has taught Coeur d’Alene High School senior Hunter Schueller that there will always be triumphs and tribulations in life. Hunter holds a long list of academic and athletic accolades include a North Idaho top scholar, North Idaho College’s Dean’s List (he is currently dual enrolled), multiple athletic letters and trips to the state tournament in both football and wrestling. However, it was an unexpected outcome his junior year that helped him see life a bit differently.

Going into the state wrestling tournament ranked number 3 in his weight class and having placed the previous two years, Hunter was expecting another medal, however, that didn’t happen. “I did not wrestle to my full capabilities in that tournament due to placing too much pressure on myself to place high in that tournament,” he recalled. Instead of letting that moment define him, Hunter re-centered, worked harder in the offseason and took a new mental approach for his senior season. “I am also learning to trust my training so I can relax and have more confidence before matches,” he adds. Another life lesson that has stuck with Hunter is from his wrestling coach Tony Hook, who told his team to “be comfortable in the uncomfortable.”

“Whether it be in life or in sports, people should always strive to be the best version of themselves, and I think this quote shows people how to achieve this. It is not always going to be easy, but if you can just push yourself a little bit more each day, even if you don’t think you can, you will be able to achieve things you didn’t think you would be able to,” said Hunter.

The 4.0 student will soon face the decision on whether to become a Beaver or a Cougar, as he’s been accepted to both Washington State and Oregon State universities. While he is currently not looking to pursue Division I athletics, Hunter does want to keep sports as a major part of his life moving forward. He’s collected shoes for much of his life and enjoys sketching out new designs. He has hopes to continue to do so for a major apparel label. “I really enjoy customizing apparel, and as someone who believes in enjoying what they do, I want to go down a path that I know I will have fun in,” he said.

When reflecting on his high school athletic career, Hunter said he is thankful that he was able to challenge himself against the highest competition in the state and learn about adversity, enjoying the grind, teamwork, and pushing his own limits. “This can translate to life,” Hunter said, “as there are many work- and life-related situations where working together is the only way to get something done.”

Athletes of the Month

Seth Hanson Lake City High School

Photo By Andrea Jensen

When senior Seth Hanson started competing in high school sports, he wasn’t the biggest kid on the floor. From very early on he told himself that being shorter than most wouldn’t hold him back from achieving his goals. “Although I could not control my height, I continued to work hard to continue to improve and, now that I am older, my size and strength have increased, allowing me to be the player I know I can be,” he said.

Seth has participated in baseball, track and field, and basketball, the latter being his favorite of the three. While initially he wanted to continue his baseball career, his junior year he crossed over his basketball leaping ability to the long jump and triple jump events, earning a varsity letter in track and field in his first season.

Seth’s been on the varsity basketball team since his sophomore season and says his coaches taught him that hard work, dedication and persistence will always pay off in the long run. “Coach Winger always says to "Stay on the ship," which means don't give up no matter what, even when things get difficult,” said Seth.

For Seth, having healthy competition in practice and playing against top talent in the state has brought great challenges and successes as he competes in his final season. “The thing I enjoy the most about playing basketball is being able to compete at a high level with my teammates and having fun while being successful,” he said.

Seth carries a 3.7 GPA and has maintained his Honor Roll status throughout the entirety of high school. He’s been accepted to Montana State, Lewis and Clark State, and Montana Western and will likely make the decision on where to earn his degree at one of these schools.

Seth envisions basketball being a major part of his post high school life. “I would like to study sports administration in hope of one day being able to coach basketball at the high school and/or college level,” Seth explained. “Playing different sports while growing up, I realized my love of basketball was greatest and would like to be around and involved in the sport regardless if I am playing or not.”


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